Understanding Sexuality
(Download Pack)
I can't remember who it was who, when asked what his feelings were concerning sex, answered: "The position is ridiculous, the pleasure only temporary, and the consequence often disastrous."
Why are women attracted to weak or abusive men?
Why do men use sex to degrade women?
Why do people become homosexuals?
What is the real cause of child abuse?
What is the reason for marital infidelity?
Why do men and women change roles?
Why do you feel guilty after sex?
This MP3 audio pack is the audio companion to the e-book "Understanding Sexuality".
~ Over 4 hours of audio via MP3 Download ~
Sexual Conflict The Cause & Cure Part 1 - 54 minutes 4 seconds
Sexual Conflict The Cause & Cure Part 2 - 53 minutes 56 seconds
Overcoming Childhood Molestation - 1 hour 19 minutes 13 seconds
Love: What's Sex Got To Do With It? - 1 hour 18 minutes 9 seconds